Year 6
Miss Rae Mrs Kelly
Teacher Teaching Assistant
Welcome to the Year 6 Class Page.
If you would like to know more about what we will learn this year, take a look at the Year 6 curriculum document below and then the subject pages too.
P.E. days - Monday and Thursday
Please ensure children have their full P.E kits and trainers in school on these days. If children are unable to take part in P.E lessons please let Miss Souther know.
Each week, children are given an opportunity to choose or change a book from the school library.
English and Maths homework will be set each week. This will be given out on a Monday to be returned by the following Friday.
Spellings will be set on a Monday and tested the following Friday.
All this should be recorded in each child’s homework diary.
The children have weekly Guided Reading sessions where we share and discuss our group reading books and carry out various related tasks and activities. They will log the chapters they are expected to read for the next session(s) and make notes on their reading.All children are expected to read each night to an adult who can see what the child is reading to monitor comprehension and pronunciation and sign their reading diaries.