School Logo

Year 3


             Miss Forshaw                   Mrs Stringman

                 Teacher                   Teaching Assistant         


Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page.


As we go through the year you will be learning all about the United Kingdom, building on your knowledge from the infants.  You will develop your mapping skills and draw more detailed maps of the wider area using a key for the map symbols.  We’ll also be exploring how to make shadows and how this helped people to tell the time!

We’ll also be learning how people lived a very long time ago in the stone and iron age, and what the Roman invaders did for us!  We’re going to be archaeologists through the year, looking at rocks and soils and sticking with magnets too!

As we move into the summer term we’re going to deepen our knowledge of how things grow, growing our own fruit and vegetables and making a stew!

Along the way, we’ll be playing lots of games to help us learn, lots of art and DT to improve our skills and lots of PE to keep us fit.  You’ll learn to play the recorder and read music in Year 3 too.

If you want to know more about what we will learn in detail, take a look at the Year 3 curriculum document on this class page and then the subject pages too.

If you have any questions, mums or dads can always talk to us when they drop you off or pick you up, but they can also message us through the ‘Class Dojo’ app, where we will be sharing all the exciting and wonderful things you do in school.


For your information:


P.E. days - Tuesday  and Thursday

Please ensure children have their full P.E kits and trainers in school on these days. If children are unable to take part in P.E lessons please let Miss Forshaw know.

 Forest School - Monday

Please ensure that your child has an all-in-one navy waterproof suit and wellies to wear. Children will need to bring their full school uniform with them in a bag. 


In the summer term year 3 will attend weekly swimming lessons provided by the West Lancashire School Sport Partnership.



All children are expected to read each night and learn their spellings for a spell check on Friday. Children are also expected to use Times Tables Rockstars every week to help learn their times tables. 

