What does it mean to be a Church of England School?
What it means to be a Church of England School
St John's CE school and church endeavour to be a caring community, where opportunities to discover and live out our Christian faith and values run throughout our school life.
Our vision for our school.
In his footsteps we love, learn and flourish….
Just as Jesus encouraged us to ‘l’ove your neighbour as yourself’, (Mark 12:31) we celebrate the differences of all in our caring and safe Chrisitan school. Through Jesus’ example as a teacher, we are committed to developing a love of learning in our Christian family, where all are valued as children of God. At St John’s, we believe that in our school filled with love, everyone will be supported to explore their full potential and contribute to the wonder of the world.
The Christian values of love, care for others and a response to the needs of the world are part of the everyday ethos of our school.
All members of our school, church, children, staff, parents and governors are encouraged to value and respect themselves and each other, the wider community and the environment.
As they grow in mind, body and spirit, our children have the confidence to be inspirational, independent and creative learners who enjoy their work and achieve in all aspects of their education in the caring, family community.
Our Christian Values over a two year cycle.
What you will notice
As a parent, visitor or member of staff you will find that St John’s C.E. Primary School aims to offer the best education, as other schools would, but the way in which the school works is different and distinctive. This distinctive difference is rooted in our Christian values that affect the way in which everyone behaves and the way in which everyone is respected. In order to nurture children’s spirituality, our Governing Body ensure St John’s C.E. Primary School:
- Is led by a headteacher who is committed, with the help of staff, to maintain the Christian character of the school.
- Enables children to engage meaningfully in a daily act of Christian worship.
- Encourages personal faith, reflection and prayer.
- Offers school life that incorporates the values of the Christian faith.
- Ensures that 5% of curriculum time is devoted to religious education.
- Observes the major Christian festivals.
- Works with our partner schools to provide opportunities for children and parents to discover and nurture their faith.
- Ensure those children of other faiths are able to, and encouraged, to mark their major festivals with integrity.
- Maintains and develops an active and affirming relationship with St John the Baptist Church
- Proclaims that our school is a Church of England school and makes appropriate use of Christian symbols around the school.
Developing spirituality through the curriculum
Key - Self Beauty Others God