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Breakfast and Afterschool Club

Welcome to the Breakfast and After School Club page.


Opening times

Breakfast Club 7:45 - 9:00am Monday to Friday (termtime only)

Afterschool Club 3:30 - 5:45am Monday to Friday (termtime only)


Breakfast Club £4.00

Afterschool Club £7.80


St John's CE Primary School provides high quality out of school child care for the children of St John's CE Primary in the form of Breakfast and After School Club.

It provides a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment.

The club is led by Miss Kathryn Malone.

Our aim is to establish an Out of School Club where everyone is made welcome and valued. We are fully committed to working in partnership with parents/carers to provide high quality, safe and stimulating care, learning and play opportunities for children.




Miss Elizabeth Thomas       Mrs Stephanie Gibb-Cullen          Mr Andrew Evans

     (Club Leader)


Emergency Telephone Numbers:

In case of emergency please contact the school office on 01704 893323 or mobile 07749 036 605


Admission Policy:

St John's Out of School Club is open to children who attend St John's CE Primary School. Places are offered on a first-come first-served basis. If all places have been filled a waiting list will be established, with the following order of priority: 

1. Siblings of children already attending the club 

2. Those requiring the greatest number of sessions/hours per week 


A copy of the St John's Out of School Club Policy is provided to all parents of children attending the club and can be viewed by clicking on the link below.


All parents must complete a registration form for each child attending the club and sign an agreement to adhere to the terms of the policy. 



  • Only children attending St John's Primary School are eligible to attend. 
  • Fees must be paid for agreed days, even when a child is absent. 
  • All places are subject to availability. 
  • The registration process and agreement forms must be completed before the child’s commencement at the club. 
  • All parents will receive a paper copy of this policy and be able to view it on the website. 
  • Pupils can use the club on an ad-hoc basis provided booking, registration and agreement forms have been completed and there are spaces available. 
  • Children must be collected by 5.45pm, or a late fee will apply. 
  • All contagious diseases must be notified to staff in advance. 
  • We reserve the right to withdraw a place from a child who is felt to be a danger to other children or who impedes the effective running of the club.


All Sessions can be booked and paid for via School gateway.

All policies and procedures are available via the policies link below.
