School Logo

Year 5


               Mrs Lewitzky                                                 



Welcome to the Year 5 Class Page.


Your teacher is Mrs Lewitzky .


As we go through the year in History you will be learning all about the Medieval Monarchs, The Golden Age of Islam and the Ancient Greeks.

In Science we will look at the Properties of materials, carrying out lots of experiments. We will look at Space, the planets and the moon and compose our own sci-fi movie music score. 

We will be improving our physical skills and abilities throughout the year through P.E. sessions and running our mile-a day to keep us fit. In the Autumn term, we will be take part in ‘Bikeability’ where we will develop our bike-riding skills and learn how to cycle safely. Later in the year we will also have weekly swimming lessons Spring 2.

Along the way, we’ll be learning about various artists through Art and DT and enjoying some fantastic Forest School sessions where you will learn to make shelters, tie knots, build walls, use tools, make bow and arrows, build fires and cook celebration dishes.

If you want to know more about what we will learn in detail, take a look at the Year 5 curriculum document on this class page and the subject pages too.

If you have any questions, parents can talk to me when they drop off or pick up but they can also message me through  Class Dojo where we share all the exciting and wonderful things you do in school.


For your information:


P.E. days - Monday and Wednesday

Please ensure child has their full P.E kit and trainers in school on these days. If children are unable to take part in P.E lessons please  Mrs Lewitzky know.



In the Spring Term, Year 5 will attend weekly swimming lessons provided by the West Lancashire School Sport Partnership. 



English and Maths homework will be set each week. This will be given out on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. 

The children will have Guided Reading sessions where we share and discuss our class novel and will carry out various related tasks and activities.

All children are expected to read each night to an adult who can see what the child is reading to monitor comprehension and pronunciation and sign their reading diaries.(It need only be for ten minutes!)

Spellings will be set on a Friday and tested the following Friday (including words from the Year 5/6 list).

There are several apps and websites for which pupils have their own unique log in and are expected to use at home to continue with their learning independently.

Thank you.

Mrs Lewitzky

